BLOSSOM!!  The Journal Project - Spring Collection

BLOSSOM!! The Journal Project - Spring Collection


It's always been a toss up for me on whether Spring or Autumn/Fall are my favourite season.  I love them both for different reasons but I love the feeling of fresh, new beginning that comes with Spring. When I was in High School I had to walk from the boarding house up a steep slope that ran alongside the swimming pool to school every day. Along the swimming pool fence grew the most gloriously fragrant jasmine plant.  The blooming of that plant signaled the start of Spring for me, and whenever I smell jasmine now, it invokes such wonderful memories.  Being in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring also coincided with my birthday month of September.

When we moved to the US, it was the beautiful Redbud trees blooming bright purple that took on the mantle of signifying Spring time.  There is also a little blossom tree on a street that leads to our neighborhood.  It blooms with beautiful light pink blossoms, like a fruit tree.  Over the years I have watched it grow and blossom. It is often the first to bloom and it brings such joy to my heart when I first notice it each year, bringing the longer days and the promise of summer slow down around the corner.

Of course living in Texas we are also graced with the beautiful explosion of wildflowers each Spring as the Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes fill the landscapes.  We always get so excited when we begin to see the Bluebonnets filling the side of the roadways.

The Spring Collection Subscription Box is inspired by the idea that spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. It allows us to reset and come with a fresh, clean slate.  It is filled with items that incorporate a fresh green color palette for the new leaf buds on the trees and soft pink florals which mimic the blossoms that are beginning to burst forth with the promise of Spring.

Spring time is such a delight and I hope this box fills you with delight and gives you a chance to refocus.

Below are some examples of spreads for inspiration.

Tip:  try going on a nature walk and collecting some flowers/blossoms or leaves and pressing them to preserve them and then adding them to your designs.

Easter bunnies and cute animals make a great theme

Include some spring quotes that inspire you 

create a little surprise or hidden message


I love to see your creations so please tag me on social media!

Have fun

xo Taryn 


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